
Monday 24 June 2013

from a friend

How perfect is this basket! My lovely friend dropped it off to me last week, fulled with fragrant flowers, citrus and a freshly baked banana loaf, it made my day! I think we need to back to simple things like this, I really appreciate gifts like home baking and love, love, love garden picked flowers! 


  1. Hello!
    I discover your blog and I love it, and I totally agree with you in go back to the simple :) the basket is so beautiful and I'm sure that make you smile all day!

    Have a nice day!

  2. Hey Leigh :) Bens out at night class so just unwinding from a full on day and having a wee browse online. Just spotted this post! Am so so glad that you enjoyed receiving this as much as I enjoyed making and putting it together for you x (did you try out the fennel?)
