
Sunday 5 February 2012


All I can say is "delicioso!!!" This was my first experience cooking and eating clams, they are very small but extremely tasty! (definitely in my top ten favourite foods!)

I have to admit I didn't make the pasta from scratch this time, I brought fresh pasta from the supermarket, although it is so much nicer making your own I just find it hard rolling it with a rolling pin, I need to invest in a pasta machine!

Clam pasta

250 gr fresh pasta
1kg clams (or any shellfish) or 500gr of other seafood
1 tbs of butter
olive oil
3 cloves of garlic, chopped
half tsp of fresh or chili powder
1 glass of dry white wine
100 ml heavy cream
coarse salt
ground black pepper
50 grams parmesan
handful of fresh basil or parsley leaves 
cup of fresh beans 
cup of portobello mushroom 
2 zucchini

Fry the beans, zucchini and mushroom in oil, salt and pepper until just cooked, put to one side.

In a large frying pan heat the butter and 2 tbs of olive oil. Add chili, onions and garlic, cook on medium heat for 2-3 minutes. Increase heat and add wine, let it reduce for a couple of minutes. Add the clams, cover until they open.

Add the cream, lemon zest, parmesan and basil. Season with salt and black pepper to taste.

Cook the pasta for a few minutes in boiling, salted water, and drain.

Add the pasta, beans, zucchini and mushroom to the clams/cream sauce pan and mix well.

Happy cooking!

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