
Thursday 29 September 2011

Home made short pastry Quiche

I love making my own pastry, it's so easy and great to make food from scratch! First blend 2 cups of flour, 125g of cold butter and a pinch of salt in the food processor. Then add a few drops of cold water until it foams small balls. Put onto lightly floured surface and knead lightly. Wrap in glad wrap and chill for 15 minutes.

This amount of pastry in enough for two quiches, so roll it out and place into two quiches dishes. Blind bake 200 degrees Celsius for 10 minutes.

My little helper

Add what ever you have in the fridge, I used two leeks, quarter of a pumpkin (grated) and some ham. Fry all ingredients in butter until just cooked. 

Add four tablespoons of flour and stir, then gradually add two cups of milk and stir until thick, then four eggs (lightly whisked), then a half a cup of grated tasty cheese, salt, pepper and 1tsp of curry powder.

Pour the veggie/egg mixture in the two quiche dished, sprinkle with some more cheese, fan bake on 200 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes.

 I served it with a avocado,tomato salad and some fresh bread, yum!

1 comment:

  1. Looks delicious, thanks for sharing! I've been looking for a pastry or crust to make! Is this the same recipe for a pie? I found your blog on Pinerst! We both love things with age! My blog is
    Have a Suneday!
